solarsystem.moon module

class solarsystem.moon.Moon(year, month, day, hour, minute, UT=0, dst=0, longtitude=0.0, latitude=51.48, topographic=False)[source]

Bases: object

Import date and place outputs moons position, phase and rise-set time.

Moon is a class that feeded with date data as well as geocoordicates outputs moons position around Earth, moon phase and moonrise-moonset/
  • year (int) – Year (4 digits) ex. 2020
  • month (int) – Month (1-12)
  • day (int) – Day (1-31)
  • hour (int) – Hour (0-23)
  • minute (int) – Minute (0-60)
  • UT – Time Zone (deviation from UT, -12:+14), ex. for Greece (GMT + 2) enter UT = 2
  • dst (int) – daylight saving time (0 or 1). Wheather dst is applied at given time and place
  • longtitude (float) – longitude of place of Moonrise - Moonset in demical format
  • latitude (float) – latitude of place of Moonrise-Moonset in demical format
  • topographic (bool) – Wheather or not moon’s position around earth will be calculated regarding earth surface or center

Method which returns moon’s rise and set time

Returns:Moon’s time of given date where moon rises and sets
Return type:tuple

Method which returns moon’s phase

Returns:Moon’s phase (percent of illumination)
Return type:float

Method which returns moon’s position around Earth

Returns:Moon’s positions around earth in horizontal projection (long, lat and distance in multiple of earth radius)
Return type:tuple