Source code for solarsystem.moon

import math      
from .functions import normalize, spherical_ecliptic2equatorial
from .functions import spherical_equatorial2ecliptic

[docs]class Moon(): """Import date and place outputs moons position, phase and rise-set time. Moon is a class that feeded with date data as well as geocoordicates outputs moons position around Earth, moon phase and moonrise-moonset/ Args: year (int): Year (4 digits) ex. 2020 month (int): Month (1-12) day (int): Day (1-31) hour (int): Hour (0-23) minute (int): Minute (0-60) UT: Time Zone (deviation from UT, -12:+14), ex. for Greece (GMT + 2) enter UT = 2 dst (int): daylight saving time (0 or 1). Wheather dst is applied at given time and place longtitude (float): longitude of place of Moonrise - Moonset in demical format latitude (float): latitude of place of Moonrise-Moonset in demical format topographic (bool): Wheather or not moon's position around earth will be calculated regarding earth surface or center """ def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, UT=0, dst=0, longtitude=0., latitude=51.48, topographic=False): self.year = year self.month = month = day self.UT = UT self.dst = dst self.longtitude = longtitude self.latitude = math.radians(latitude) self.topographic = topographic pr=0. if (dst==1) : pr=1/24. # JDN= (367*(year) - math.floor(7*(year + math.floor((month+9 )/12))/4)) # + math.floor(275*(month)/9) + (day + 1721013.5 - UT/24. ) # JDN=( (367*(year) - math.floor(7*(year + math.floor((month+9 )/12))/4)) + math.floor(275*(month)/9) + (day + 1721013.5 - UT/24. ) ) JD= (JDN + (hour)/24. + minute/1440. - pr) j2000= 2451543.5 d= JD - j2000 self.d = d oblecl=23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * d oblecl= math.radians(oblecl) self.oblecl = oblecl w=282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d e=(0.016709 - (1.151E-9 * self.d)) M=356.047 + 0.9856002585 * self.d M=normalize(M) L=w+M L=normalize(L) gmsto=L/15 + 12 sidtime=(-dst + gmsto - UT + longtitude/15) self.sidtime = sidtime self.M = M self.L = L self.e=e self.w = w
[docs] def position(self): """Method which returns moon's position around Earth Returns: tuple: Moon's positions around earth in horizontal projection (long, lat and distance in multiple of earth radius) """ #moons position Ns=125.1228 - 0.0529538083*self.d is_=5.1454 ws=318.0634 + 0.1643573223*self.d as_=60.2666 #earth's equatorial radius es=0.054900 Ms=115.3654 + 13.0649929509*self.d Ns=normalize(Ns) ws=normalize(ws) Ms=normalize(Ms) Ms2=math.radians(Ms) E0=Ms + (180/math.pi)*es*math.sin(Ms2)*(1+es*math.cos(Ms2)) E0=normalize(E0) E02=math.radians(E0) E1=E0 - (E0 - (180/math.pi)*es*math.sin(E02)-Ms)/(1-es*math.cos(E02)) E1=normalize(E1) E=math.radians(E1) xs=as_*(math.cos(E)-es) ys=as_*(math.sqrt(1 - es*es))*math.sin(E) rs=math.sqrt(xs*xs+ys*ys) vs=math.atan2(ys, xs) vs=normalize(math.degrees(vs)) xseclip=rs*(math.cos(math.radians(Ns))*math.cos(math.radians(vs+ws)) - math.sin(math.radians(Ns))*math.sin(math.radians(vs+ws)) *math.cos(math.radians(is_))) yseclip=rs*(math.sin(math.radians(Ns))*math.cos(math.radians(vs+ws)) + math.cos(math.radians(Ns))*math.sin(math.radians(vs+ws)) *math.cos(math.radians(is_))) zseclip=rs*math.sin(math.radians(vs+ws))*math.sin(math.radians(is_)) long2 = math.atan2( yseclip, xseclip ) long2=normalize(math.degrees(long2)) lat2 = math.atan2( zseclip, math.sqrt( xseclip*xseclip + yseclip*yseclip ) ) lat2=math.degrees(lat2) #Moon's Peturbations Ls=Ns+ws+Ms #moon' s mean longtitude Ls=normalize(Ls) #moon' s mean anomally Ds=Ls-self.L #moon' s mean elogation Ds=normalize(Ds) Fs=Ls-Ns #moon' s argument of latitude Fs=normalize(Fs) #Peturbations in Longitude D1=-1.274*math.sin(math.radians(Ms- 2*Ds)) #evection D2=0.658*math.sin(math.radians(2*Ds)) #variation D3=-0.186*math.sin(math.radians(self.M)) D4=-0.059*math.sin(math.radians(2*Ms- 2*Ds)) D5=-0.057*math.sin(math.radians(Ms - 2*Ds + self.M)) D6=0.053*math.sin(math.radians(Ms + 2*Ds)) D7=0.046*math.sin(math.radians(2*Ds - self.M)) D8=0.041*math.sin(math.radians(Ms - self.M)) D9=-0.035*math.sin(math.radians(Ds)) #parallactic equation D10=-0.031*math.sin(math.radians(Ms + self.M)) D11=-0.015*math.sin(math.radians(2*Fs - 2*Ds)) D12=0.011*math.sin(math.radians(Ms - 4*Ds)) #Peturbations in Latitude D13=-0.173*math.sin(math.radians(Fs - 2*Ds)) D14=-0.055*math.sin(math.radians(Ms - Fs - 2*Ds)) D15=-0.046*math.sin(math.radians(Ms + Fs - 2*Ds)) D16=0.033*math.sin(math.radians(Fs + 2*Ds)) D17=0.017*math.sin(math.radians(2*Ms + Fs)) #Peturbations in Distance D18=-0.58*math.cos(math.radians(Ms - 2*Ds)) D19=-0.46*math.cos(math.radians(2*Ds)) longdists=D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+D8+D9+D10+D11+D12 latdists=D13+D14+D15+D16+D17 moondist=D18+D19 # long2=long2+longdists lat2=lat2+latdists r_s=rs+moondist if self.topographic==False: return (long2, lat2, r_s) elif self.topographic==True: RA_s, Decl_s, r_s = spherical_ecliptic2equatorial(long2, lat2, r_s, self.oblecl) # mpar=math.degrees(math.asin(1/r_s)) # gclat=math.degrees(self.latitude) - 0.1924*math.sin(2*self.latitude) rho= 0.99833 + 0.00167*math.cos(2*self.latitude) HA_s=normalize(self.sidtime*15 - RA_s) g = math.degrees(math.atan(math.tan(math.radians(gclat))/ math.cos(math.radians(HA_s)))) topRA_s = (RA_s - mpar*rho*math.cos(math.radians(gclat))* math.sin(math.radians(HA_s))/math.cos(math.radians(Decl_s)) ) topDecl_s = ( Decl_s - mpar*rho*math.sin(math.radians(gclat))* math.sin(math.radians(g - Decl_s))/math.sin(math.radians(g)) ) return spherical_equatorial2ecliptic(topRA_s, topDecl_s, r_s, self.oblecl)
[docs] def phase(self): """Method which returns moon's phase Returns: float: Moon's phase (percent of illumination) """ long2, lat2, r_s = Moon.position(self) # M2=self.M E=( M2 + (180/math.pi)*self.e * math.sin(math.radians(self.M))* (1+ self.e *math.cos(math.radians(self.M))) ) E=math.radians(E) x=math.cos(E)-self.e y=math.sin(E)*math.sqrt(1-self.e*self.e) # r=math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) # v=math.atan2(y,x) v=math.degrees(v) lon=(v+self.w) lon=normalize(lon) lon=math.radians(lon) long2_s=math.radians(long2) lat2_s=math.radians(lat2) x_s_eclip = math.cos(long2_s) * math.cos(lat2_s) y_s_eclip = math.sin(long2_s) * math.cos(lat2_s) z_s_eclip = math.sin(lat2_s) x_s_equat = x_s_eclip y_s_equat = ( y_s_eclip * math.cos(self.oblecl) - z_s_eclip * math.sin(self.oblecl) ) z_s_equat = ( y_s_eclip * math.sin(self.oblecl) + z_s_eclip * math.cos(self.oblecl) ) RA_s = math.atan2(y_s_equat, x_s_equat) RA_s=normalize(math.degrees(RA_s)) Decl_s = math.atan2(z_s_equat, math.sqrt(x_s_equat*x_s_equat + y_s_equat*y_s_equat)) Decl_s = math.degrees(Decl_s) mpar=math.degrees(math.asin(1/r_s)) ###alt_topoc=alt_geoc - mpar*math.cos(alt_geoc) gclat=math.degrees(self.latitude) - 0.1924*math.sin(2*self.latitude) rho= 0.99833 + 0.00167*math.cos(2*self.latitude) HA_s=normalize(self.sidtime*15 - RA_s) g = math.degrees(math.atan(math.tan(math.radians(gclat))/ math.cos(math.radians(HA_s)))) topRA_s = ( RA_s - mpar*rho*math.cos(math.radians(gclat))* math.sin(math.radians(HA_s))/math.cos(math.radians(Decl_s)) ) topDecl_s = ( Decl_s - mpar*rho*math.sin(math.radians(gclat))* math.sin(math.radians(g - Decl_s))/math.sin(math.radians(g))) #fasi selinis x21=math.cos(math.radians(topRA_s))*math.cos(math.radians(topDecl_s)) y21=math.sin(math.radians(topRA_s))*math.cos(math.radians(topDecl_s)) z21=math.sin(math.radians(topDecl_s)) x221=x21 y221=y21*math.cos(-self.oblecl)-z21*math.sin(-self.oblecl) z221=y21*math.sin(-self.oblecl)+z21*math.cos(-self.oblecl) mlon21=normalize(math.degrees(math.atan2(y221, x221))) mlat21=math.degrees(math.atan2(z221, math.sqrt(x221*x221 + y221*y221))) mlon21=math.radians(mlon21) mlat21=math.radians(mlat21) elong_s=math.degrees(math.acos(math.cos(lon - mlon21)* math.cos(mlat21))) # elong_s2=normalize(360- math.degrees(lon) + math.degrees(mlon21)) FV21=180 - elong_s phase = (1 + math.cos(math.radians(FV21))) / 2 return phase
[docs] def moonriseset(self): """Method which returns moon's rise and set time Returns: tuple: Moon's time of given date where moon rises and sets """ MoonPos = Moon(year=self.year, month=self.month,, hour=12, minute=0, UT=self.UT, dst=self.dst, longtitude=self.longtitude, latitude=self.latitude, topographic=True) long2, lat2, r_s = MoonPos.position() topRA_s, topDecl_s, r_s = spherical_ecliptic2equatorial(long2, lat2, r_s, self.oblecl) aDecl_s=math.radians(topDecl_s) T_s=normalize((topRA_s - self.sidtime*15))/15.04107 #mesouranima selinis h=math.radians(0) adi_s=( (math.sin(h) -math.sin(self.latitude)*math.sin(aDecl_s))/ (math.cos(self.latitude)*math.cos(aDecl_s)) ) Lha_s=math.acos(adi_s) Lha_s= (math.degrees(Lha_s))/15.04107 #ores apo to mesouranima os tin anatoli i os tin disi anatoli_s=T_s - Lha_s if (anatoli_s<0) : anatoli_s=anatoli_s+24 if (anatoli_s > 24) : anatoli_s=anatoli_s - 24 disi_s=T_s + Lha_s if (disi_s < 0) : disi_s=disi_s + 24 if (disi_s > 24) : disi_s=disi_s - 24 return(anatoli_s, disi_s)