Source code for solarsystem.functions

import math


[docs]def normalize(degrees): """ set degrees always between 0 - 360 Args: degrees (float): degrees to be adjusted Returns: float: degrees between 0-360 """ return degrees % 360
[docs]def spherical2rectangular(RA, Decl, r): """Transform spherical to rectangular projection. From spherical (RA,Decl) coordinates system to rectangular(x,y,z) or by replacing RA with longitude and Decl with latitude we can tranform ecliptic coordinates to horizontal (azimuth,altitude). Args: RA: Right Ascension. Decl: Declination. r: Distance in astronomical units. Returns: tuple: x, y, z rectangular coordinate system. """ RA = math.radians(RA) Decl = math.radians(Decl) x = r * math.cos(RA) * math.cos(Decl) y = r * math.sin(RA) * math.cos(Decl) z = r * math.sin(Decl) return (x, y, z)
[docs]def rectangular2spherical(x, y, z): """Transform rectangular to spherical projection. From rectangular(x,y,z) coordinates system to spherical (RA,Decl, r) or by replacing x with azimuth and y with altitude we can tranform horizontal coordinates to ecliptic (longitude, latitude). Args: x: value on x axis of a rectangular projection. y: value on y axis of a rectangular projection. z: value on z axis of a rectangular projection. Returns: tuple: RA, Decl, r spherical coordinate system. """ r = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z ) RA = math.atan2( y, x ) # Decl = math.asin( z / r ) Decl = math.atan2( z, math.sqrt( x*x + y*y ) ) RA = normalize(math.degrees(RA)) Decl = (math.degrees(Decl)) return (RA, Decl, r)
[docs]def ecliptic2equatorial(xeclip, yeclip, zeclip, oblecl): """Transform ecliptic to equatorial projection. Args: xeclip: value on x axis of ecliptic plane. yeclip: value on y axis of ecliptic plane. zeclip: value on z axis of ecliptic plane. oblecl: obliquity of the ecliptic, approximately 23.4 degrees for earth Returns: tuple: x, y, z equatorial projection """ # oblecl = math.radians(oblecl) xequat = xeclip yequat = yeclip * math.cos(oblecl) - zeclip * math.sin(oblecl) zequat = yeclip * math.sin(oblecl) + zeclip * math.cos(oblecl) return (xequat, yequat, zequat)
[docs]def equatorial2ecliptic(xequat, yequat, zequat, oblecl): """Transform equatorial to ecliptic projection. Args: xequat: value on x axis of equatorial plane yequat: value on y axis of equatorial plane zequat: value on z axis of equatorial plane oblecl: obliquity of the ecliptic, approximately 23.4 degrees for earth Returns: tuple: x, y, z ecliptic projection """ # oblecl = math.radians(oblecl) xeclip = xequat yeclip = yequat * math.cos(-oblecl) - zequat * math.sin(-oblecl) zeclip = yequat * math.sin(-oblecl) + zequat * math.cos(-oblecl) return (xeclip, yeclip, zeclip)
[docs]def spherical_ecliptic2equatorial(long, lat, distance, oblecl): """Transform eclipitc to spherical projection for given obliquity. From spherical (RA, Decl, distance) coordinates system to eclipitc(long, lat, distance). Args: long: Longitude. last: Latitude. distance: Distance in astronomical units. oblecl: obliquity (axial tilt). Returns: tuple: RA, Decl, distance spherical coordinate system. """ b = spherical2rectangular(long,lat,distance) c = ecliptic2equatorial(b[0],b[1],b[2], oblecl) return rectangular2spherical(c[0],c[1],c[2])
[docs]def spherical_equatorial2ecliptic(RA, Decl, distance, oblecl): """Transform spherical to eclipitc projection for given obliquity. From spherical (RA, Decl, distance) coordinates system to eclipitc(long, lat, distance). Args: RA: Right Ascension. Decl: Declination. distance: Distance in astronomical units. oblecl: obliquity (axial tilt). Returns: tuple: long, lat, distance eclipitc coordinate system. """ b = spherical2rectangular(RA, Decl,distance) c = equatorial2ecliptic(b[0],b[1],b[2], oblecl) return rectangular2spherical(c[0],c[1],c[2])
[docs]def demical2clock(demicaltime): """ Convert demical time view to Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Args: demicaltime (float): time to be converted. Returns: str: one string representation in hours, minutes format. """ h = int(demicaltime) m = int((demicaltime - h) * 60) s = int(((demicaltime-h)*60 - m ) * 60) h=str(h) m=str(m) s=str(s) if len(h)==1: h = '0' + h if len(m)==1: m = '0' + m if len(s)==1: s = '0' + s res = h + ':'+ m + ':'+ s return res
[docs]def demical2arcs(num): """ Convert Demical view to Degrees and minutes. Args: num (float): degrees to be converted. Returns: str: one string representation in degrees and minutes format. """ return(str(int(num))+u"\u00b0 "+str(round(abs(num - int(num))*60,2))+"'")
#def degrees2hours(degrees): # """ # Convert degrees to string representation of hours, minutes and seconds. # # Args: # degrees (float): degrees to be converted. # # Returns: # str: one string representation in hours, minutes and seconds format. # # """ # h=degrees//15 # r=(degrees%15)*4 # m=int(r) # s=int((r-m)*60) # return (str(h)+'h '+str(m)+'m '+str(s)+'s')
[docs]def demical2hms(degrees): """ Convert degrees to string representation of hours, minutes and seconds. Args: degrees (float): degrees to be converted. Returns: str: one string representation in hours, minutes and seconds format. """ h = int(degrees/15) m = int((degrees/15 - h) * 60) s = int(((degrees/15-h)*60 - m ) * 60) h=str(h) m=str(m) s=str(s) if len(h)==1: h = h if len(m)==1: m = m if len(s)==1: s = s res = h + 'h '+ m + 'm '+ s +'s' return res
[docs]def Planet_Sun(M, e, a, N, w, i): """ Helper Function. From planet's trajectory elements to position around sun Returns: tuple: position elements """ M2=math.radians(M) E0=M + (180/math.pi)*e*math.sin(M2)*(1+e*math.cos(M2)) E0=normalize(E0) E02=math.radians(E0) E1=E0 - (E0 - (180/math.pi)*e*math.sin(E02)-M)/(1-e*math.cos(E02)) E1=normalize(E1) E=math.radians(E1) x=a*(math.cos(E)-e) y=a*(math.sqrt(1 - e*e))*math.sin(E) r=math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) v=math.atan2(y, x) v=normalize(math.degrees(v)) xeclip=r*(math.cos(math.radians(N))*math.cos(math.radians(v+w)) - math.sin(math.radians(N))*math.sin(math.radians(v+w))*math.cos(math.radians(i))) yeclip=r*(math.sin(math.radians(N))*math.cos(math.radians(v+w)) + math.cos(math.radians(N))*math.sin(math.radians(v+w))*math.cos(math.radians(i))) zeclip=r*math.sin(math.radians(v+w))*math.sin(math.radians(i)) long2 = math.atan2( yeclip, xeclip ) long2=normalize(math.degrees(long2)) lat2 = math.atan2( zeclip, math.sqrt( xeclip*xeclip +yeclip*yeclip ) ) lat2=math.degrees(lat2) return (xeclip,yeclip,zeclip, long2, lat2, r)
[docs]def sun2planet(xeclip, yeclip, zeclip, x, y, z): """ Helper Function. From Hliocentric to Geocentric position Returns: tuple: geocentric view of object. """ x_geoc=(x+xeclip) y_geoc=(y+yeclip) z_geoc=(z+zeclip) return rectangular2spherical(x_geoc, y_geoc, z_geoc)
# t = ecliptic2equatorial(x_geoc, y_geoc, z_geoc, 23.4) # return rectangular2spherical(t[0],t[1],t[2])